Botanicals: Overuse Linked to Liver Injuries
WEB Supplement Users at Risk
Overuse of common botanical supplements, such as turmeric, green tea, and black cohosh, has been increasingly linked to liver injuries, according to a new study. Researchers found that users of these supplements were mostly taking them of their own accord, not at the direction of a health care provider.
Study Findings
The study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, analyzed data from over 5,000 people who had used botanical supplements within the past year. Researchers found that those who used turmeric supplements were more likely to develop liver problems than those who did not use these supplements. In addition, they found that the risk of liver problems was higher in people who took high doses of turmeric supplements or who used them for longer periods of time.
Call for Caution
The study findings highlight the importance of using botanical supplements cautiously. While these supplements may have some potential health benefits, they can also be harmful if used incorrectly. Patients should talk to their doctor before taking any botanical supplements, and they should only use them as directed.